Monday, October 27, 2014

Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not

Track Listing

1."The View from the Afternoon"3:38
2."I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor"  2:53
3."Fake Tales of San Francisco"  2:57
4."Dancing Shoes"  2:21
5."You Probably Couldn't See for the Lights but You Were Staring Straight at Me"  2:10
6."Still Take You Home"2:53
7."Riot Van"  2:14
8."Red Light Indicates Doors Are Secured"  2:23
9."Mardy Bum"  2:55
10."Perhaps Vampires Is a Bit Strong But..."  4:28
11."When the Sun Goes Down"  3:20
12."From the Ritz to the Rubble"  3:13
13."A Certain Romance"  5:31

"Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not" is the debut album from Arctic Monkeys. This is definitely a "good day" album, it has so many happy tunes in it. Listening to it now reminds me of the countless times I listened to it while I was busy preparing breakfast on weekend mornings (the best feeling ever). I know this is a strange association to come up with but it's absolutely a great album to cook to. It just cheers you up no matter what. I mean, I dare you guys to listen to Mardy Bum and not feel good. It's just impossible.  From a lyrical standpoint, one of the best albums out there in terms of being witty and fun. Years ago, when I first heard the Arctic Monkeys, I hadn't liked them. Turns out I was legitimately out of my mind back then since now they are more or less one of my top three favorite bands. As time went on, Arctic Monkeys have changed their style dramatically, they leaned towards slower beats and more mature musical and lyrical content. Nothing against their current style, in fact I love their latest album "AM" so much that I thought about doing a post on it, but "Whatever People Say I am, That's What I'm Not" is a totally stand alone experience in terms of its pure energy and it just never gets old. An instant classic.


Fake Tales of San Francisco: 

Look guys, they wrote a song about our time in Hult!

Still Take You Home:

Workout song. No question. The breakdown at 1.26 mark is just too good to pass up. Also there is something funny about shouting out loud the "You know nothing!!!" part. Fun fact for all the Game of Thrones watchers out there: We used to play this song live with Moobs and our back vocalist would change that part up a bit by going: "You know nothing, Jon Snow".  Aaah, the good old days.

Lyrics of Random Wisdom:

Anticipation has a habit to set you up for disappointment in evening entertainment. (The View From The Afternoon)


Overall Assessment:

Listen to this. Seriously just go and listen to the whole album right now. You will instantly feel better about your life.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Umm so, this is the first post.

My friends, welcome to Albumlando, aka the best named blog in the history of blogs (the name albumland was already taken so...). I will review some of my favorite music albums from various different genres in this blog, and I may or may not share some personal stories about why certain albums and songs are enjoyable for me, depending on my daily mood. Hopefully it will be fun to write and you guys will enjoy it. I'm thinking about covering stuff from artists like Gorillaz, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Massive Attack, Arctic Monkeys, etc. We will see how it goes. No Adam Levine though. That guy is such a douchebag.

Some info on my musical background: I was a bass guitar player in an indie rock/alternative band called Moobs (yeah) in Turkey before coming to San Francisco. We were playing in festivals and bars. Had a bunch of fun moments on stage including but not limited to: doing Jager shots, dodging thrown water bottles, our singer forgetting the lyrics of a certain song all the time and of course, doing pushups on stage. That's always fun.

The reason I went with a music blog is because music is a subject I'm deeply passionate about; I can talk about good music for years. That is a cliche sentence but it's true nonetheless. I can't sing for the life of me by the way. Those that have seen me do karaoke would agree, 100%.

Let me also present to you the ultimate Moobs concert footage. Everyone was drunk at this concert, which was fun. 
Fast forward to 1.00 minute mark to start.